TWB Fundraising Blog
The latest news, announcements, and thought leadership from the TWB team.
May 25, 2022
Volunteer Leadership Search: Three Pillars Initiative
Written by
TWB Fundraising
Are you a seasoned fundraiser, grant maker or philanthropist who is passionate about helping...
February 25, 2022
Help Build the Next Generation of Philanthropy Leaders
Written by
TWB Fundraising
Are you a seasoned fundraiser, grant maker or philanthropist who is passionate about helping...
May 17, 2017
Development Dilemma: Hiring First Fundraising Staff
Written by
Heidi Waltner-Pepper
In our new weekly column, consultants with decades of nonprofit experience answer your questions...
February 8, 2017
Six Ways to Retain Your Talented Fundraising Staff
Written by
Heidi Waltner-Pepper
Why is it that development professionals change jobs every few years? In our profession, we’ve come...