TWB Fundraising Blog
It's the Outcomes
I have been spending the last few days in Southern California, accompanying my daughter, Cameron,...
Learning to Listen
When I was a young development officer, I worked for 5 years at the University of Nevada in Reno....
The Importance of Planning
We have been working with a number of organizations recently that are in the midst of a strategic...
Getting to Give
I am regularly reminded of a brief talk that our former pastor gave when someone new joined our...
The Art of Asking for A Gift
As an old fashioned fundraiser who grew up before the advent of Facebook, YouTube and Twitter I...
Age is a question of mind over matter.
"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter."- Leroy "Satchel"...
Is this a Blog or a Rant?
I’ll admit it. I tend to be a difficult donor. It’s not that I am an unusually bad person. I don’t...
Using Volunteers Effectively in Capital Campaigns
It seems that I am continually reminded of the vital importance of volunteers in fundraising....
Big Gifts Take Time
I was interested to read the story in Crain’s Chicago Business this week about the $30 million...
Relationships Relationships Relationships!
If you have ever had a conversation with a real estate agent, you are undoubtedly aware of the...
2012 Philanthropy Awards
I was very interested to receive information recently about this year’s recipients of the Chicago...